Dana Vollmer

Everything you do, do it with your heart and strength.

About >

Dana is one of the most gold-medaled female USA Olympians of all-time, currently ranked fourth. Throughout her incredible accomplishments she has endured challenges from injuries to big life changes like becoming a mom.

Dana is passionate about connecting with and empowering other women. She is highly active, traveling around the world to empower, teach, and speak. She engages with her following through social media and loves every face-to-face opportunity she can get to connect with a fan. You can find her in the pool doing what she loves, at home chasing her two boys and English bulldog around, or on a stage speaking about her journey and how you too can chase and achieve your dreams!

Interests >

Music, Gardening, Crafting, Minimalism

Status >

Dana now travels the globe teaching businesses how to achieve success through her keynote speeches and workshops.

Sport >


Highlights >

  • 7x Olympic Medalist - 5 Golds, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
  • 32x International Medalist
  • Former World Record Holder

Partners >

Media >